Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Seeds

           One day, some scientists conducted a research on how to easily make a seed grow into a beautiful flower in a short period of time. The seeds went through a hard time. Many experiments were done to them. They tasted variety of chemicals in different dosages. They even went through death-like situations...

           Last January 5, 2018, Friday, a send-off ceremony was held for all Grade 12 students of Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School. It was done to display and ensure the partnership among the parents, the students and the school before the 80-hour work immersion of the students begins.
         Part of the ceremony was the candle-lighting. The lit candles were to show our parents that with their support and our hardwork and perseverence, our future will shine brightly as those candles.
          It was a beautiful sight. I saw happiness on the students' faces and pride on the patents'. I even saw a parent with tomato-red eyes and nose, probably due to crying. She must be so proud to be that emotional. She's not my mother, but I somehow felt happy and overwhelmed to see her react like that.
          The send-off ceremony was a big step in our last year as seniors. It was like a confirmation that all of our hardwork is acceptable and well-appreciated by the school and that we are qualifier to do the work immersion which is a major requirement for graduation. It was like the universe was telling us that it would take only a few more twists and turns and we'd reach our destination, our goal.
         As the K-12 Curriculum pioneers, we are the seeds. We are also called the "experimental class". Sometimes, we feel like we get a very small benefit out of the 2-year "experiment" that was done to us. But nevertheless, we were improved and crafted to be the best. Those variety of chemicals in different dosages were intended to make us bloom into something that we did not or still do not know at the moment. Those seeds are the firsts; the firsts to taste all the hardwork, the firsts of all the benefits, the firsts of all the good and bad things. And there is nothing that could ever compare to firsts.